POSTED JULY 28, 2023







A traditional ringless voicemail drop instantly sends a generic message to thousands of phone numbers in your contact list. These ringless voicemails are effective since they go right to the user's inbox with information about a sale or some company update but don't have a personal feeling to them. Usually, the message will say something like “Hey this is Tom from (company), we want to let you know that…” and so on. That's why Slybroadcast built AI into their ringless voicemail software to solve this problem by greeting the customer with their first name.

So, how does the process work of implementing AI into your ringless voicemail campaign? What is an example of how this would look for a campaign? What are some benefits of using AI in your ringless voicemail campaigns?

Here is a comprehensive guide to AI in ringless voicemail.

What is slybroadcast’s New AI Technology for Ringless Voicemails?



What is slybroadcast’s New AI Technology for Ringless Voicemails



Slybroadcast is implementing a new AI technology to their ringless voicemail system, allowing businesses or organizations to build deeper connections through voicemail drops. The new add-on feature will allow you to tag phone numbers with the associated customer’s name. Next, you can create a voicemail script with a customer’s name in the greeting. For example, “Hey [Customer Name], we are reaching out to let you know about a current sale on our website…”. Then the AI feature will fill the space with each customer’s actual name. This will allow the company or organization to simultaneously send out thousands of voicemails with a personal touch as each customer receives a personalized greeting with their voicemail.

What are the Advantages of Utilizing AI in Ringless Voicemails?

What are the Advantages of Utilizing AI in Ringless Voicemails



The advantage of utilizing this new feature will be adding a more personal touch to each voicemail you send. Primarily for marketing or customer service teams, voicemail personalization can greatly impact the voicemail’s reception from a customer’s standpoint. Firstly, if the customer listens to the voice message and hears their own name in the greeting, it will feel much more personalized than a standard pre-recorded voice message.

The second way voicemail personalization will be helpful is when customers transcribe the voicemail rather than listen. In the event that a customer transcribes the voicemail, it will show up in writing with their name listed in the greeting. This should, in turn, lead to the customer feeling a larger sense of interpersonal connection with the caller. Increasing the personalization of the ringless voicemail drops should lead to higher customer response and interaction rates.

To learn more, click here to download our white paper.

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